How I overcame Writer’s Block

For almost three years I have struggled to overcome writer’s block. At first, I didn’t even realise I had it, I just felt unmotivated to write or produce something new. The truth was I was slowly becoming one of those writers who only wrote when they felt creative. There is a danger in slipping into that phase, many writers have lost their passion by not addressing their blocks early enough or sticking to their writing routine.

I am going to be sharing some practical suggestions that have helped me unblock my creative juices and might help you overcome your block. Some of the material would come from Conor Neil’s improving clarity of thought (Special thanks to my friend who shared this video with me).


  1. Think More

The first step in overcoming writer’s block is to remember this simple truth:To Write is To Think.

Writing is structured thinking about a subject, an experience or an event. These thoughts are the bedrock of our creative juices. We cannot produce an excellent literary piece if some thoughts did not go in there. To overcome your writer’s block you need to be intentional about your thoughts and find out why you stopped sharing your experiences and opinions. It’s possible that you probably have stopped thinking through situations and experiences like you used to, possibly you became bored or because you now take things for granted

Whatever has stopped you from writing needs to be addressed. A good way of doing this is to really think about what is holding you back from writing, and penning it down when you know what it is. In fact, I recommend creating an article about it . Through progressive intentional thinking you can start your creative juices working again

2. Separate Writing from Editing

Now that your thoughts are clearer, you need to avoid the habit of editing while you are writing. It is distracting and off putting. You keep telling yourself to write, yet when you do write you criticise yourself even before the word is out. Remember:

  1. Writing is a separate process from editing, you should not write and edit at the same time.
  2. No one has a great first draft (Not even shakespeare)
  3. The best literary pieces are re-written pieces

Giving yourself ample time to write is like being in a stream of consciousness where you can voice out and share your innermost thoughts (unrefined and pure ideas)

Next is the editing, this step helps you cross check your information and structure your thoughts better, this is just as important as writing. Editing helps you analyse your thoughts and refine it.

Think about it this way. Writing is like searching and digging for diamond, while editing is the refining of the diamond. You cannot have quality diamond without the refining process.

3. Create 20 minutes each day to write

Have a routine and stick to it. There is no such thing as I have no time. Too many things are happening in your life that are literary worthy- You have to prioritise your writing each day.

Procrastination is the building block of writer’s block, so don’t lay the first brick by skipping your appointment. Keep writing each day and see how far you would go.

Start small by writing 50 to 100 words daily- don’t worry if it is a rant, the good thing is that you are writing your thoughts on paper.

4. Write for wins

To keep writing often, spice up your writing game by writing a book, participating in writing competitions or journal entries this would take your writing to the next level. This gives you the confidence you need to keep writing.

If you keep waiting for your creative powers to be restored, you might be waiting forever because it never left. Changing your writing schedule by writing for wins is a good start in giving your writing game that focus and energy it needs.

Read. Like and Share. If you have more tips on how to overcome writer’s block share it below in the comment session.

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4 thoughts on “How I overcame Writer’s Block

  1. This was a lovely read. Thanks for making this post. I too have struggled with writer’s block for some time…I guess it’s time to pick up that pen again 🙂

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